You are a Manager leading a team

When a team suddenly finds itself in trouble, missing deadlines, failing to hit targets, and plunging down the charts, it can be an unnerving experience for all concerned.

Are YOU a member of such a team?

Is your team displaying any of the following symptoms?

Team members bickering!

Team meetings poorly attended!

Certain team members dominating proceedings!

Team meetings unproductive!

Teams output consistently low!

Status differences between team members inhibits meaningful discussions and progress.

Often the cause of such a fall in performance standards is as a result of incidents and changing conditions over which the team leader and all team members have no immediate control.

Never the less suddenly team players become more interested in preserving their own positioning than with the team objectives.

Suddenly private agendas become the all consuming focus and team loyalties begin to fray at the edges as the team slides into a dysfunctional state.

TeamFacilitate is an online management tool designed to help team leaders, team coaches and teamfacilitators quickly and effectively identify team issues which are cut to the chase team imperatives.

We believe that our TeamFacilitate Free Team Health Check Questionnaire can offer a first step to team healing. TeamFacilitate is also extremely useful if used as a preventative team maintenance tool.

Discovering the true feelings of team members on key issues is a critical foundational requirement.

To help with this primary Team Healing activity we offer as a first step a FREE TEAM HEALTH CHECK.          Team Health Check Questionnaire

Any team no matter how carefully constructed, no matter how well managed, governed and maintained, will from time to time run into trouble.

As the headline suggests, it is in such times of trouble that the core strength and stature of the team is truly tested. A little help at times like this may well then be appreciated.

TeamFacilitate has been designed to deliver that help when needed most, to teams who otherwise may struggle to survive in the incessantly turbulent waters of commercial survival.

So certain are we that TeamFacilitate will be of use to teams in all genres of activity be they commercial or otherwise, that we offer a free 30 day trial with full system functionality.

This means that you do not have to worry about budgets or lobbying for support from those who influence your budgets in order to test the viability of TeamFacilitate.

There is no requirement for any card details and no necessity to commit to any longer term arrangement. You do though need to register and yes, we will make contact from time to time to check on how well the system is working for you.

Register for your free 30 day trial of TeamFacilitate

If you would prefer to chat about the system first do call me on +44 208 144 4446 or

email me put Team Facilitate in the header.

Macolm S Milligan